Thermal, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Refractories

Thermal, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Refractories

Do you know the properties that differentiate refractory materials from other materials?

Refractory must have thermal, mechanical and physical properties.

What are these characteristics? Scroll down and see the explanation!

Thermal, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Refractory

1. Refractory
Refractoriness is the resistance of the refractory material at high temperatures. This property is also referred to as PCE or Pyrometric Cone Equivalence.

2. Refractory Under Load
RUL is needed to determine the maximum temperature, but under compressive load conditions. RUL is important for knowing high pressure conditions.

3. Permanent Linear Change
Refractory changes after being burned at a certain atmosphere, time and temperature without external pressure. PLC is expressed in percent (%).

4. Thermal Conductivity
The quantity of heat that will flow through a unit area in the direction normal to the surface area in a certain time.

5. Thermal Shock
The refractory's ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

6. Porosity
The volume of open pores in a refractory product as a percentage of the total volume, through which liquid can penetrate. The lower the porosity, the better.

7. Cold Crushing Strength
The ability of refractory brick or refractory brick to withstand compression loads at room temperature.

8. Bulk Density
The amount of refractory material in a volume. The greater the bulk density, the greater the volume stability, heat capacity and resistance to slag penetration.

9. Slag Resistance
Resistance to slag is determined by testing the effect of the amount and composition of slag at a certain temperature on the refractory.

There we have the explanation of thermal, mechanical and physical properties of refractories.

If your company needs a refractory for applications in furnaces, boilers and kilns, contact:

Telephone: 0821-4280-8500
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